What is Naturopathy? My Naturopathy services uses the healing powers of nature to balance mind, body and spirit. Herbal medicine, nutrition, flower essences and iridology are just some of the tools that a naturopath will use to treat any imbalance you are experiencing.
A naturopath will also focus on preventative measures to reduce risk of future health issues and to create a state of optimal wellness and vitality for you.
Health and healing information is freely accessible to all today and it is very common for people to be self prescribing and taking many different supplements. It is a positive step forward to strive for better health, but it is worth considering:
Have you selected the right supplement for you and is it of a quality that will actually be effective and safe?
Are your digestive channels functioning well enough to allow for absorption of your supplements?
Are you selecting supplements that will address the cause of your imbalance as well as the symptoms?