Sooth frayed nerves

Well I don't think anyone is going to argue that 2020 has been a bit different! If you are feeling more emotional than usual, that can be a sign you need to take some time out and use some supportive strategies. It is best to jump onto these health signs before they go too far, as that then starts to impact other parts of your body, like a cascade effect.

My tips are - 

  • Always take your magnesium and ensure there are magnesium rich foods in your diet - almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, parsley, spinach and other leafy greens - contact me if you would like a handout. If you are selecting your own supplement, magnesium oxide is not a great form for absorption. Remember you get what you pay for. Magnesium chloride flakes in your bath or footbath are also brilliant for getting in that magnesium that your body needs.

  • Oats can have a positive effect on your nervous system. If it is too hot for cooked oats, consider soaking some oats, covered in water, overnight in the fridge and adding nuts, seeds, coconut yoghurt and berries for your own version of bircher muesli. (This will not be beneficial for you if you are gluten free).

  • As we transition into summer, the season of salads, ensure you are getting plenty of green leafy vegetables and herbs - lettuce, kale, broccoli, spinach, parsley, basil, coriander. These will help you to keep up your B vitamins which are necessary for stress management, energy and detoxification.

  • A handful of nuts daily gives you a little bundle of protein and minerals to support good health - almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, macadamias.

  • Time - time out is essential to allow for our nervous system to settle. Be honest if you are feeling overwhelmed and need help. There are no prizes for getting to the end of this year hanging by your last nerve. (Although if you do, make sure you book in an see me in the new year!)

  • Take your walk in nature in the cool part of the day. It will help your digestion as well as relax you and give you perspective on what is really important.

  • If you are feeling angry, take a minute to write it out on some scrap paper. Ask yourself "What is really upsetting me?". You will be surprised at what comes up and the relief you feel after. Throw the paper away and let it go. A good scream also helps relieve anger and tension - but you don't want to give your neighbours a heart attack. In the car, on an empty road works well.

  • if you can't sleep, keep a notebook next to your bed. Writing out what you are worried about or what you have to do the next day tricks your brain into thinking you have taken action and it is okay to sleep. Remember also my alltime favourite sleep tea of Planet Earth Chamomile and Passionflower. Some people prefer valerian, but valerian will have the opposite effect on some people and keep them awake. If you are really struggling, keep some Rescue Remedy spray beside the bed and try a couple of squirts of that under the tongue to settle your nerves.

  • Talk to a trusted family member or friend about how you are feeling. Seek professional counselling if you feel you need to.

  • Practice deep breathing and/or meditation in whatever way works best for you. Let me know if you would like some recommendations.

  • Feel your feelings. But don't live there. As any anger, sadness, resentment, fear comes up, allow yourself a few moments to close your eyes and breathe deeply through it. Then re-focus your thoughts and energy into what you do want - health, wealth, happiness, love, success, support - whatever it is you long for.

  • Most importantly, do not judge yourself. We are all human, we are all fallible and we are mostly doing the very best we can. Say to yourself daily the words of Emile Couet "Every day in every way I am getting better and better".

As a naturopath, my focus is on good mental health and emotional wellbeing. I love to create a bespoke herbal tonic to repair you nerves, support your adrenals for those living on adrenalin and to boost your energy for the month ahead. 


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